Personal Opinions about the conflict

As a international student that has been studied about international relations for almost two years, from my personal point of view the conflict between two Koreas is very unnecessary. The main reason of the conflict could be broke down into few points:

  • First of all, if we look closer at the history of the conflict throughout Korea War till recent issues, North Korea has always been the person that picked up the fight. From the start of Korea War was when North Korea tried to assassinated the South’s President to the “on-hold nuclear weapon” or the “missile launch”. The North is like a young pony that wanted the whole word to pay attention to it.
  • Second, maybe North Korea was just a puppet in the hand of China as it played as a biggest ally of North Korea to deal with the US which is a protector of the South. However, there were sources which reported the relationship between North Korea and China was not as cozy as people always thought.
  • Just look at the conflict, I strongly believe that the tense situation between North and South will still be on the table for a very long time. Even though South Korea has been giving some green lights since the North has a new leader. However, North Korea is acting like a “spoiled child” with nuclear testing,  military parade, missile launching and all that. On the other hand, South Korea is not standing there to watch the game, they are doing a several military drills with the US military as well. This is going to take some time.
  • North Korea is spending a fortune on military and weapons while its own civilians are starving. For example, the North had spent 6 millions dollar to the celebration of Kim Jong-il’s 70th birthday (even if he was long dead by then). As a result, South president Lee Muyng-bak said they should have used that money to import more food to stop poverty. And that saying, once again received angry reactions from the North.  North Korea held a massive rally in Kim Il Sung Square of Pyongyang, and more than 100,000 people took part, denouncing the South Korean recent insult of the highest dignity of the DPRK. The protest was the largest rally since Kim Jong-il’s funeral. The spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry issued a statement that Lee Myung-bak seemed determined to obstruct an atmosphere of dialogue on the Korean Peninsula. considered president Lee as insulting the , they burn the South president’s pictures, South’s flag etc. I just wondered whether the protest was real or just a play directed by the North’s regime. *sigh*